Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The discussion on “heroes” in class on Monday was really interesting to me. The book described heroes not as a spectacular person, but more of an ordinary person doing their jobs day in and day out that we often times take for granted. This thought of a hero as an ordinary person really got me thinking. With this definition, we can all be heroes to somebody. Everyone is important. If one person influences thousands of people and if another person only has an influence on one person in their whole life I think that they are equally as important. As long as someone is faithful and diligent with what they do, they should be recognized as a hero. Our culture today often times praises one person over another just because they have a bigger impact than the other, but I don’t think this is right. For example, let’s say that you tell one person about Jesus and they accept Him in their heart as their Lord and Savior, but that’s the only person you lead to Christ. Then, that one person ends up being a world changing revivalists who leads millions to Jesus and ushers in the second coming of Christ. At first thought, you would think that the second person is more important than the first. However, without the first person the second person never would have known about Jesus. This shows that not one person is more important. We should start celebrating the people who aren't necessarily at the top of the chain because we don’t know where we would be without them. 


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with your definition of a “hero”, which may include anyone who makes a positive impact on someone else. However, I think that a person who doesn’t make an impact on another life, but at least tries to, should also be recognized as a hero. Only people that want to listen have the ability to be impacted.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog especially on this Easter Sunday. Of course, our greatest Hero is Jesus Christ, and He only deserves Praise greater than anyone that will be called hero. And that's all I see!

  3. I think that the "unsung heroes" that are humble and fly under the radar are even more heroic than what our culture typically defines as "heroes." People that do good, but simply for the sake of others and not for themselves show that their hearts are in the right place. I agree with your definition!

  4. I really enjoyed this post, and definitely feel like a hero is a person who in someway has influenced someone else's life for the better. And yes, by far I feel like Jesus Christ is the Ultimate hero for none of us would be here if it wasn't for him.
