Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My personal definition of culture

Culture can be a very broad topic and can have multiple definitions. I believe that culture is your way of life. It is what you do and how you do it, even down to the smallest details. Nothing should be left out when thinking about your culture or the type of culture you live in. I also believe that culture is both concrete and abstract. It is concrete because our cars, housing, clothes, food, buildings, and etc. are all part of our culture and can be touched. Parts of our culture that can't be touched (abstract) are ideas, values, beliefs, morals, and desires. Our ideas, values, beliefs, morals, and desires are all extremely important to a culture even if you can't necessarily see them or feel them (sometimes you can). Language is also an abstract part of culture. A group's language is extremely important to them. 

 A definition of culture that I found issue with is the one that stated "Culture is to know the best that has been said and thought in the world." Although I have heard and seen lots of great things in my life, I personally don't believe that I know or have heard the BEST there is. Therefore, does that mean that I don't have culture? To me, this definition is very vague and not accurate. There is a lot more to culture than knowing the best that has been and thought in the world. Also, who decides what "best" is? One person can think that one way is the best and another can think another way is best. Are we wrong if we are different? Who knows? It's up to you to decide. 


  1. I agree with you, the littlest details, even to the way we walk is culture. The material, the style of the home in which we live in, is culture on it's home. Look at Japanese houses versus American houses, exhibit A. Culture is shaped by a lot of things around us. Even population size, affects culture. History affects culture. In short, we just are.
    We find our way of life the best--everywhere we go. we believe our way of life is the perfect way. We look down on others when they act in ways that are contrary to our beliefs. And having that sense of pride makes our culture solidified and the best that have ever been thought in the world. That is the way I see that quote. Our way, our culture is the best. That 'best' thing is relative and unique to each culture.

  2. I enjoy the distinction between abstract and concrete aspects of culture you made. For an analytical guy like me, categorizing something sort of ambiguous like you did helps me understand and relate to it a lot better.
